On the afternoon 28 September 2020, the semi-final of the contest "TLU students with start-up ideas" happened successfully with 11 start-up ideas after more than 2 months of calling proposals.

The semi-final of the contest took place at T35 Hall TLU
The judges were Ms. Đinh Thị Thu Hải - General Director of Vietnam TEAK Forestry Joint Stock Company; Mr. Phạm Anh Cường - Chairman cum General Director of BestB Group Investment Joint Stock Company; Mr. Trần Linh Sơn - Start-up Support Center, Youth Union Central Committee.
On the side of TLU, there were Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Trung Việt - Vice President, representatives of departments, faculties and members of groups of students presenting their ideas in the semi-finals.
Confirming the meaning of the contest, Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Trung Việt expressed his pleasure because after more than 2 months of calling proposals, the contest “TLU students with start-up ideas " had achieved the first success when there were more than 30 registered ideas and 11 excellent ideas entering to the semi-finals. This result was the efforts of the lecturers, the start-up coaches and the students themselves. It was hoped that the students would continue to be enthusiastic and boldly bring their ideas to life after coming out of the contest.

Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Trung Việt - Vice President presented flowers to the judges
After more than 4 effective working hours, the students presented their ideas and the examiners have enthusiastically shared experiences and suggestions for start-up ideas in the semi-finals. There were 6 out of 11 groups of excellent students entering the Final of the contest. It will be held on the morning of 3 October 2020 at TLU. These are as follows:
(1) - MS06: Application of bio-plastic to produce interior art lamp
(2) - MS07: Sapowash dish washing liquid
(3) - MS11: Information system of TLU activities
(4) - MS15: GPN green material
(5) - MS30: VAJC - Family assistant
(6) - MS31: Making pictures from fruit seeds
According to Ms. Đinh Thị Thu Hải - General Director of Vietnam TEAK Forestry Joint Stock Company who has accompanied the contest right from the first days affirmed that the judges had changed theirs decision at the last minute and chose 6 teams to enter the finals instead of 5 teams as plan because of the efforts and results that the student groups brought to the contest.
Some photos of the “TLU students with start-up ideas” contest :

The representative of the student group of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - MS20 presented their ideas
"Designing - manufacturing plastic injection machines for training in universities"

MS21: "Purification of seawater into fresh water and salt " of students from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

MS11 - Student group of Computer Science and Engineering Faculty presented "Information System of TLU activities" which entered the final

"Apply artificial intelligence to support early diagnosis and prevention of dangerous behaviors of depression "is a project of the students of Computer Science and Engineering Faculty - MS10

MS07 "Sapowash dish washing liquid" is the finalist idea of students of Faculty of Chemistry and Environment

MS06: "Application of bio-plastic to produce interior art lamps" of students from Faculty of Chemistry and Environment entered the Final

Students of the Faculty of Economics and Management enter the final with the project "Making pictures from fruit seeds" - MS31

MS01 "System of camera for attendance and tracking" of students of Faculty of Electrical - Electronic Engineering

MS15 "GPN Green Material" by a student from the Faculty of Civil Engineering entered the Final

Students of the Faculty of Economics and Management enter the final round with the project "VAJC – Family Assistant" - MS30