Welcome to Thuyloi University’s website.
As one of the first universities founded to focus on education and research on water resources and hydropower in Vietnam, Thuyloi University has defined the vision to become the leading university training high-quality human resource that meets the requirements of water sector development, as well as a prestigious science and technology center in the fields of water resources, hydropower, natural resources, environment and disaster management, contributing to the socio-economic sustainable development of Vietnam.
This website aims to provide you all the information you need to know about Thuyloi University, including facts and figures about us, details of undergraduate and postgraduate programs and courses, general data of TLU’s faculties and staffs, scholarship offers and news on the University’s latest activities and development plans. In addition, it is expected that the website will become a reliable and useful source for scientific news in the key sectors which the University focuses on.
Thank you for visiting Thuyloi University’s website and we hope to see you back often.
Prof. Trinh Minh Thu
President of Thuyloi University