Thuyloi University has 02 training programs accredited according to the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance standards.
From 19 to 21 September 2017, six assessors of the ASEAN University Network (AUN) conducted quality assurance assessments of the Advanced programs in Water Resources Engineering and in Civil Engineering at TLU. These two advanced programs have been developed in cooperation with Colorado State University and University of Arkansas, USA.
AUN-QA Network is established as the ASEAN quality assurance network in higher education with the responsibility to promote quality assurance in higher education institutions, raise the quality of higher education, and collaborate with both regional and international bodies for the benefits of the ASEAN community.
The 3rd version of the AUN-QA model for program level encompasses 11 criteria. This model focuses on quality of educational activities with regard to the input, process and output according to the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) approach in order to develop, implement, sustain and improve the level of quality in training program.

Opening meeting was held at Room 223/A1, TLU
During the site assessment, interviews were carried out with nearly 200 people including TLU’s supporting staff, academic staff, students, alumni and employers. The assessors also made a site tour to look at the university’s teaching facilities, laboratories, workshops, libraries, etc.
It was recognized that TLU had a thorough preparation for the assessments. The process of collecting evidence and writing SARs was systematically organized and closely supervised by the Steering Committee. Therefore, the two advance programs were highly appreciated by the assessors, confirming the quality of training programs of TLU.

The assessors visiting the Geo-technical Engineering Laboratory

The assessors visiting the library

The assessors visiting the Environmental Chemistry laboratory

Interview with academic staffs
By having its programs assessed by AUN, TLU reconfirms its commitment to maintain the quality. With the aim of continuous improvement, the University is determined to develop an effective QA system to achieve the educational excellence recognized in the region and the world.
Certificate to Advanced Programs in Civil Engineering and in Water Resource Engineering of TLU for successfully completing the AUN-QA at programme level