Thuyloi University‘s Certificate of Institutional Accreditation
The accreditation of educational quality was implemented by Thuyloi University (TLU) from November 2017. After the self-assessment and preliminary surveys, the official survey for external evaluation took place from 18-25th September 2018 at all campuses of the University.
More than 6000 pieces of evidence were examined and 700 people including TLU’s supporting staff, academic staff, students, alumni and employers were interviewed by the external assessors of the Vietnam National University-Center for Education Accreditation (VNU-CEA).

VNU-CEA’s external assessors meeting with TLU Rector’s Board

TLU’s documents were examined and commented

The assessors visiting the Environmental Chemistry laboratory at Pho Hien campus, Hung Yen province
As a result, TLU has 95.5% of 111 criteria meeting the requirements related to all aspects of the University's activities, comprising quality assurance on strategy, system, functional performance and results.

TLU Rector’s Board received Certificate of Institutional Accreditation from VNU-CEA
As one of the first universities in the whole country granted with Certificate of Institutional Accreditation with a high result, TLU always clearly identifies quality assurance a key factor in improving the comprehensive quality of the university as well as the training programs of TLU. Since 2018, seven training programs have been assessed and recognized by VNU-CEA.
Training program
(% criteria reached 4)
Valid period
Transportation Engineering
Oct/2019- Oct/2024
Construction Management
Oct/2019- Oct/2024
Oct/2019- Oct/2024
Construction Engineering
Apr/2020- Apr/2025
Construction Engineering Technology
Apr/2020- Apr/2025
Business Administration
Apr/2020- Apr/2025
Apr/2020- Apr/2025
List of training programs completed national quality assurance procedures
Not only meeting the national standards, TLU also had attained the ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) certifications for Advanced programs in Civil Engineering and in Water Resources Engineering with 100% criteria scored above 4. Both certificates of these training programs are valid until February 2023. For more detailed information, please see: http://en.tlu.edu.vn/News-and-Events/thuyloi-university-received-the-aun-qa-9662.

TLU received the Certificate of Accreditation from VNU-CEA for the Training Programs
By being assessed and recognized by the nationally and regionally reputed centers of quality assurance (VNU-CEA and AUN-QA), TLU reconfirms to maintain and develop the quality of training and scientific research. This is also a commitment to the educational and research responsibilities given to the University by the country. It is the goal of the University to reach the standards of a top university in the region and the world.
Ha Ngan – International Cooperation Development