These special courses are a cooperation between the Institute of Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics at TH Koln (University of Applied Sciences), Germany and Thuyloi University and Vietnam Academy for Water Resources, Vietnam.
The programs target graduated professionals with working experience in public or private institutions, authorities and enterprises of the natural resources sector. The applicants should have an interest in learning and working in an intercultural and multidisciplinary environment.

Master of Science in Integrated Water Resources Management
Adequate availability of clean water is indispensable for food supply and health and hence key for development of societies worldwide. However, pressure on water resources is increasing due to fast demographic and socioeconomic growth and unsustainable water uses. The concept of Integrated Water Resources Management combined with current climate change adaptation best practices offers solutions to deal with these challenges by assessing and managing this precious resource in space and time considering other related sectors.
Worldwide, there is a high and growing demand for experts adequately trained on the concepts of Integrated Water Resources Management. Next to technical and managerial knowledge, they should also be familiar with practices of project funding and international cooperation. The objective of the program is to capacitate such experts in the field of Integrated Water Resources Management and related concepts and methods.
For more information, click here.
Application: Please see International Admission

Master of Science in Natural Resources Management
Global population, economic growth and on-going environmental deterioration are increasing the pressure on existing natural systems. Their ability to provide natural resources such as food, water and energy is at risk and warning. Under conditions of globalization, these processes are most forceful in developing countries and emerging economies with high growth rates, low awareness, loss of existing traditional knowledge bases and weak governance structures. This calls for specialists and leadership in order to develop and employ managerial, economical, governance and technical solutions.
The objective of the program is to form such experts. Participants are provided with appropriate knowledge and skills to analyze current problems related to the usage and management of natural resources.
For more information, click here.
Application: Please see International Admission